Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the use of the Internet to advertise and vend goods and services. Internet Marketing includes pay per click advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing, associate marketing, interactive advertising, search engine marketing (including search engine optimization), blog marketing, article marketing, and blogging.

Internet marketing is a factor of electronic commerce. Internet marketing can sometimes comprise information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and Internet marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more extensively existing and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to create purchases.Internet marketing first began in the early 1990s as simple, text-based websites that offered product information. Over time Internet marketing evolved into more than just selling information products, there are people now selling advertising space, software programs, business models, and many other products and services

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The leading theme of his maturity human struggle with the forces of nature. As a young-looking man, he received his start as an illustrator of magazines. He became a normal contributor of design drawings to Harper's Weekly, one of the nation most admired magazines of the time. After spending a year in Paris in 1856, he returned to the U.S. with a better accepting of the light in impressionism even though he was not really influenced by French art. In the early 1860's, Homer made several trips to the front lines of some Civil War battle in Virginia. It was from sketches he made there that he formed his first main oil work, Prisoners from the Front, Metropolitan Museum, New York City.

The United States has produced its own breed of painter true to the vision and character of the nation. In the nineteenth century, one of its most Winslow Homer. Classified as an American naturalist painter. Winslow was a self-taught artist who became most famous for his views of the American landscape and most Taking up solitary habitation on the Maine coast at Prout's Neck, he produced such masterpieces of realism as Eight Bells in it the drama of the sea scene is imbue with an epic, heroic quality that symbolizes.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

White Throated Kingfisher

The White-throated Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher or Smyrna Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, is a tree kingfisher which is generally spread in south Asia from Turkey east to the Philippines. This kingfisher is fundamentally occupant over much of its range, not together from seasonal movements.

The first of the alternative English names is to be favorite because the geographical name is too preventive for this widespread bird, and the easternmost race lacks a white breast.

This is a large kingfisher, 28 cm in length. The mature has a bright blue back, wings and tail. Its head, shoulders, flanks and lower belly are chestnut, and the throat and breast are white.

There are four races opposed mostly in plumage shades, but H. s. glairs of the Philippines have only the neck and throat white. The flight of the White-throated Kingfisher is quick and straight, the short rounded wings whirring. The large bill and legs are intense red.

In flight, large white patches are visible on the blue and black wings. Sexes are similar, but juveniles are a duller adaptation of the adult. The call of this noisy kingfisher is a chuckling chake.

White-throated Kingfisher is a common class of a variety of habitats with some trees, and its range is expanding. It perches noticeably on wires or other exposed perches within its territory, and is a frequent sight in south Asia. This species mostly hunts large insects, rodents, snakes, fish and frogs. It is alleged to eat tired migratory passerine birds like Chiffchaffs where the opportunity arises.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Yoga is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, focusing on meditation as a trail to self-knowledge and freedom. Yoga is seen as a means to mutually physiological and spiritual mastery. Outside India, Yoga has become mainly related with the practice of asanas of Hatha Yoga, although it has influenced the whole dharmic religions family and other spiritual practices throughout the world

5,000 year old carvings from the Indus Valley Civilization represent a figure that archaeologists think represents a yogi sitting in meditation posture. The sitting in a conventional cross-legged yoga pose with its hands resting on its knees. The explorer of the seal, archaeologist Sir John Marshall, named the figure Shiva Pashupati.

A seal from the Indus Valley Civilization, The first known written reference to yoga is in the Rig Veda, likely by the western scholars to be at least 3,500 years old. The Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali also converse the concepts and teachings of yoga.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Asian Paradise Flycatcher

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher, also known as the Common Paradise Flycatcher, is a medium-sized passerine bird. It was in the past classified with the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae, but the paradise flycatchers, monarch flycatchers and Australasian fantails are now usually grouped with the drongos in the family Dicruridae, which has the majority of its members in Australasia and tropical southern Asia.

The Asian glory Flycatcher breeds from Turkestan to Manchuria. It is wandering, wintering in tropical Asia. There are resident populations further south, for example in southern India and Sri Lanka, so both visiting migrants and the in the vicinity reproduction subspecies take place in these areas in winter.

This species is typically originated in thick forests and other well-wooded habitats. Three or four eggs are laid in a cup shell in a tree.

The adult male Asian Paradise Flycatcher is about 20 cm long, but the long tail streamers double this. It has a black crested head, stale joke upperparts and pale grey underparts.

By their second year, the males of the wandering Indian race T. p. paradisi begin to obtain white feathers. By the third year, the male plumage is totally white, other than the black head. Males of the sedentary Sri Lankan race T. p. ceylonensis are forever stale joke.

The female of all races resembles the stale joke male, but has a grey throat, minor peak and lacks the tail streamers.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Antoine Lavoisier

Antoine Lavoisier was one of the best-known French scientists and was a main government official. His theories of combustion, his growth of a way to classify the fundamentals and the first new textbook of chemistry led to his being known as the father of modern chemistry. He contributed too much of the research in the field of chemistry. He is quoted for saying, nothing is lost, nothing is created, and everything is transformed. He bore in Paris, France on Aug. 26, 1743. When he was eleven years old he attends a college called Mazain. For Lavoisier's last two years in college he creates an enormous deal of attention in science.
He received an excellent teaching and developed an interest in all branches of science, particularly chemistry. Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaill trained Lavoisier about meteorological examination. On 1763 Lavoisier expected his bachelor's degree and on 1764 a licentiate which allowed him to practice his profession. In his extra time he studied books of science. His first paper was written about gypsum, also recognized by hydrated calcium sulfate. He describes its chemical and physical property.