Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Brief History of the Internet

By default, any ultimate history of the Internet must be short, since the Internet in one form or another has only been in reality for less than 30 years. The first iteration of the Internet was launched in 1971 with a community showing in early on 1972. This new network, recognized as ARPANET. It means Advanced Research Projects Agency Network was very ancient by today's standards, but an objective in computer interactions.
ARPANET was based upon the design concepts of Larry Roberts (MIT) and was fleshed out at the first ACM colloquium, held in Gaithersburg, TN in 1966, although RFPs weren't sent out until mid 1968.
The responsibility of security in 1969 commissioned ARPANET, and the first node was created at the University of California in Los Angeles, administration on a Honeywell DDP-516 mini-computer. The second node was recognized at Standford University and launched on October first of the same year. The third node was situated at the University of California, Santa Barbara November 1, 1969 and the fourth was opened at the University of Utah in December.


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